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headphonejack 4 days ago Is Accuracy the Only Option?
Is accuracy measurable? What do you consider the most accurate headphones? Or maybe top 5?
Doug Schneider 6 days ago Is Accuracy the Only Option?
It's an interesting point that's made. The only thing I'll say contrary is that with ...
Doug Schneider 23 days ago PSB M4U 9 Headphones
@steve pageThis problem is an interesting one. If you see this post, let us know what ...
@AndrewI don't know who was actually employed, but I have to say that the original ...
@Doug SchneiderThe most notable defenders of MQA were employed by MQA. I suppose that's as it ...
Dustin 29 days ago Yamaha YH-5000SE Headphones
Well, this puts things into perspective:

Jeff, you seemed so evidence based on CNET.  Why the ...
sam re 1 months ago How Terrible Is Temu?
The thing is, even temu has some fairly decent options, such as kz audio,. If ...
Nice review. Thanks!
Johny Banks 1 months ago DALI IO-4 Bluetooth Headphones
Brent, great review! Your detailed insights on the DALI IO-4 headphones' sound quality and usability ...